Validate if a given string is numeric. You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution.
Some examples:
"0" => true " 0.1 " => true "abc" => false "1 a" => false "2e10" => true
Recursive Descent Parsing
By observing the samples above, we can draw an LL(1) grammar:
Number => Spaces,RealNumber,Exponent,Spaces
Exponent => Empty
=> ‘e’,Integer
Integer => ‘+’,RInteger
=> ‘-‘,RInteger
=> RInteger
RInteger => ‘0’,EInteger
=> ‘9’,EInteger
EInteger => Empty
=> ‘0’,EInteger
=> ‘9’,EInteger
RealNumber => ‘+’,RRealNumber
=> ‘-‘,RRealNumber
=> RRealNumber
Spaces => Empty
=> ‘ ‘,Spaces
class Solution {
char readChar(const string &s, const int cur)
if(cur >=0 && cur < s.size())
return s[cur];
return -1;
int matchEInteger(const string & s, const int cur)
if(cur == -1) return -1;
char t = readChar(s, cur);
return matchEInteger(s, cur + 1);
return cur;
int matchRInteger(const string & s, const int cur)
if(cur == -1) return -1;
char t = readChar(s, cur);
return matchEInteger(s, cur + 1);
return -1;
int matchInteger(const string & s, const int cur)
if(cur == -1) return -1;
char t = readChar(s, cur);
if(t == '+' || t == '-')//+[RInteger] | -[RInteger]
return matchRInteger(s, cur + 1);
return matchRInteger(s, cur);
int matchExp(const string & s, const int cur)
if(cur == -1) return -1;
char t = readChar(s, cur);
if(t == 'e')//e[Integer]
return matchInteger(s, cur + 1);
return cur;
int matchRReal(const string & s, const int cur)
if(cur == -1) return -1;
char t = readChar(s, cur);
if(t == '.')//.[RInteger]
return matchRInteger(s, cur + 1);
int c = matchRInteger(s, cur);//[RInteger].[EInteger]
t = readChar(s, c);
if(t == '.')
c = matchEInteger(s, c + 1);
c = -1;
if(c != -1) return c;
c = matchRInteger(s, cur);//[RInteger]
if(c != -1) return c;
return -1;
int matchReal(const string & s, const int cur)
if(cur == -1) return -1;
char t = readChar(s, cur);
if(t == '+' || t == '-')//+[RReal] | -[RReal]
return matchRReal(s, cur + 1);
return matchRReal(s, cur);
int matchNumber(const string & s, const int cur)
if(cur == -1) return -1;
char t = readChar(s, cur);
int c = matchReal(s, cur);//[Real][Exp]
c = matchExp(s, c);
return c;
int matchSpaces(const string & s, const int cur)
if(cur == -1) return -1;
char t = readChar(s, cur);
if(t == ' ')//_[Spaces]
return matchSpaces(s, cur + 1);
return cur;
bool isNumber(string s)
int c = matchSpaces(s, 0);//[Spaces][Number][Spaces]
c = matchNumber(s, c);
c = matchSpaces(s, c);
return c == s.size();
- Time Complexity: O(n)
- Space Complexity: O(1)
Deterministic Finite Automata
By observing the samples above, we can draw a DFA. The structure is shown in the code.
class Solution {
map<char,int> DFA[10];
#define ACCEPT 999
int cnt;
int state;
void init()
cnt = 0;
state = 1;
DFA[1][' '] = 1; DFA[1]['s'] = 2; DFA[1]['d'] = 3; DFA[1]['.'] = 9;
DFA[2]['d'] = 3; DFA[2]['.'] = 9;
DFA[3]['d'] = 3; DFA[3]['.'] = 4; DFA[3]['e'] = 5; DFA[3]['#'] = ACCEPT; DFA[3][' '] = 8;
DFA[4]['d'] = 4; DFA[4]['e'] = 5; DFA[4]['#'] = ACCEPT; DFA[4][' '] = 8;
DFA[5]['d'] = 7; DFA[5]['s'] = 6;
DFA[6]['d'] = 7;
DFA[7]['d'] = 7; DFA[7][' '] = 8; DFA[7]['#'] = ACCEPT;
DFA[8][' '] = 8; DFA[8]['#'] = ACCEPT;
DFA[9]['d'] = 4;
inline char readOne(string & s)
char ans;
if(cnt >= s.size()) ans = '#';
else if(isdigit(s[cnt])) ans = 'd';
else if(s[cnt] == '+' || s[cnt] == '-') ans = 's';
else ans = s[cnt];
return ans;
bool isNumber(string s) {
while((state = DFA[state][readOne(s)]) && state != ACCEPT);
return state == ACCEPT;
- Time Complexity: O(n)
- Space Complexity: O(1)
Finding law
By observing the samples above, we can find the law and solve it directly
class Solution {
void init(string & s)
int low=0,high=s.size()-1;
while(s[low]==' ') ++low;
while(s[high]==' ') --high;
s = s.substr(low,high-low+1);
bool isNum(string s,bool dot)
if(s.size()==0) return false;
if(s[0]=='-' || s[0]=='+') s = s.substr(1,s.size()-1);
int n = s.size();
if(n==0) return false;
if(s[0]=='.' && n==1) return false;
bool dotcnt=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
if(dot == false) return false;
if(dotcnt) return false;
else dotcnt = true;
else return false;
bool isNumber(string s) {
if(s=="") return false;
for(int i=0;s[i];++i)
return isNum(s.substr(0,i),true) && isNum(s.substr(i+1,s.size()-i-1),false);
return isNum(s,1);
- Time Complexity: O(n)
- Space Complexity: O(1)